Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4th of July Mani and my never-before-seen right hand!

Happy Fourth of July (tomorrow). I know a lot of folks probably have long(ish) weekends. Kudos to those of you who don't have to work today, tomorrow or Friday! I had to work today - covering the grand opening of a new supermarket. Free jelly bean and coffee samples = a happy me. Although, I do believe one of the jelly beans in my package was pickle-flavored which was not yummy. The bubblegum flavored one was interesting. I didn't want to eat it. It felt weird to swallow something that tasted like bubblegum when I've had years of training not to do so. Anyways, on to the nails!


I used L.A. Girls 3D Effects polish in 3D Silver. This is a scattered holographic polish that I got at
Rite Aid. As far as holos go, it was inexpensive. The dots are essie's Russian Roulette (red), Sally Hansen Hard as Nails in Hard to Get (white) and Finger Paints Midnight Sleigh Ride (blue). I used a bobby pin for the dots. I should have waited a bit before applying the topcoat because it made some of the color bleed into the white. It's probably only noticeable to me (or to you if you click on the photo and make it bigger, but please don't do that!).

Another shot of my left hand

And - Ta Da! The moment you've been waiting for! My right hand! I'm uber right-handed so I can never hold the camera with my left hand, but I wanted to demonstrate the fact that the white and colors didn't bleed on this hand because I waited a bit longer to apply the topcoat. So there you have it - I really do have two hands! Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans and be safe!!!

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