Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Absolutely Afflorable!

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. I have been really busy - I know, excuses, excuses!

I actually had this on my nails a couple of weeks ago - I'm so behind on taking photos of my nails and stuff. This is Sally Hansen Salon Effects in Afflorable. I picked this up at Big Lots for $1. It lasted super long - for me anyway- it was about a week or so. For me, anything that lasts longer than a day or two is awesome because I tend to have peelie nails. I really liked this and got several comments (even one from my boss - who is awesome!)

On to the photos:

No flash



  1. Wow this looks so pretty~ I love the colour combo! ^-^

    You're new blog layout is super cute by the way:D x
